Peaceful Remembrance

Peaceful Remembrance
Originally uploaded by Brina Bat (Sabrina Simon)
Explored on Flickr! #369 for January 28th 2010!
A caver with a graphic design problem explores the world and shares her useless knowledge.
Explored on Flickr! #369 for January 28th 2010!
No it isn't your eyes... Go grab your nearest pair of red-cyan glasses 3D glass and check out Jay Clark in the Totem Gallery of Tumbling Rock Cave! You can check out some more of our 3D works on flickr HERE!
Labels: 3D, logo, photography
Labels: black and white, photography
I have four friends. Four pieces that have been and are a part of my life's grand puzzle. Four wonderful souls that all are in some stage of the toughest fight of their lives right now. Up against a sinister and sneaky foe that no one ever asks for - that no one ever welcomes or needs. That corners them all in their very own skin - on their own ground.
Its funny I've wanted to blog all day long... and I had 20 different ideas of what I was going to write about...but my time ran short and the pretty light that I had this afternoon to take photos in disappeared too fast while I did the things I had to do - instead of the things that would have been more fun to do. So I'll save my idea for a later post. And now I'm staring at my desk ... looking at all the lists and sticky notes I've got stuck on the lists and papers. I'm a big list person. If I can get it out of my head and on paper I feel better and more organized about what I have to do. But when my lists have their own lists... I have to work through everything yet again... cross off what I've done, figure out what I need to do first and then reorder and rewrite my lists. I need to do that pretty soon because my lists are overrunning my desk right now...and the to-do's in my head are all fershcmekled (aka mixed up).
Labels: driving, fun, light painting, NAPG, photography
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone had a great holiday! I spent Christmas in Florida and had a lovely time! Its been a while and I've been an utter slacker... although what with being away for two weeks and then promptly getting the flu/food poisoning.... um.... yeah... neither really helped my motivation to blog. One of my resolutions is to try and fix that! And anyway... I've kinda been missing my blog and comments and posting. I like the flow of writing my thoughts and sending them out into the world... even if they are rather trite.