Change is in the Air
So this is me, right now, at work.

Tomorrow is my last day at BakerWoodward. I'm quitting which is scary and exciting all at the same time. Scary because it feels like I'm jumping off a foggy cliff - not really knowing how far below me the water is. I've been wanting to take some classes for a while now - some web design - some English - maybe even go for a Masters. I also want to try my hand at some letterpress work and freelance a bit while I take classes. This was not a decision I made light of - its one that's been carefully considered and pondered for over a year now. I figure I've got this one life and I finally have the opportunity to really jump in and do this for real instead of just dreaming. So I wrote my letter of resignation two weeks ago. It was VERY hard to tell my boss and my co-workers of my decision. (actually took me three tries to walk into my boss' office) It felt like I was letting them down. But they all understand and are happy for me. Over the past 5 years I've become comfortable and accustomed to everyone's quirks and working styles. I will very much miss the folks that made BakerWoodward feel like family. Thanks guys, for everything, for the imprint you made upon my life and the friendship you've given me.
I'm stepping up to the edge now and all I can see is fog. Its sink or swim time.
Labels: fear, future, graphic design, work