Somewhere in the candy design world long past 2 am:
"Ants love sugar, right?"
"Uh, yeah."
"How about drowning the ants in sugar and then drying them out and selling them as candy?"
"Dude - that's fracking
* gross - no one will buy them."
"Aw come on."
"No way dude - nasty!"
"oooh - I got it - how about sugar coated marshmallow ants?"
"We could make them a little ant colony - and call them Marshmallow Farms."
"And we could make the marshmallows a scary fleshy brown-ish color!"
"And we can send the design off to China to be manufactured for pennies!"
"And the folks manufacturing the Marshmallow sugar coated ant candy will once again shake their heads in amazement at the stupid Americans."

My folks found these beauties in the bargain bin.

They even made a queen -

Seemed like a good idea at the time...
And on a kinda cool note - it seems I've reached 10,000 hits!! Woohooo! Thanks guys!
fracking* - a testament to me watching WAY too much Battlestar Galactica, and now being hopelessly addicted to it. So much so I've gone through three seasons of the new show (PLEASE COME OUT WITH SEASON 4 SOON!)- and now Paul and I bought the original series on Saturday and are now speedily chomping through it tooLabels: odd