Motion Picture

Motion Picture
Originally uploaded by Brina Bat (Sabrina Simon)
Everything moving, everything flowing, everything and everyone working together is what you hope for in a cave rescue. Because every effort, every thought, every action should be focused towards the greater goal - to help a fellow caver who is injured - hurt - in need. Caving comes both with great reward and risk. Sometimes even the most prepared and safe are caught off guard by accidental odds and in need of help. A true rescuer chooses to place knowledge before egos and knows their limits - pushing themselves only so hard as not to become a liability themselves.
This is one of my favorite photos because it feels just like the rescue - constant motion - constant effort - like you're right there - a motion picture - everything happening - surrounding the quiet calm of the patient - who is in perfect focus with the light of the Lumedyne being bounced from the ceiling - falling quietly from above.
So this is but one photo of over 200 that were taken during the Tumbling Rock Mock on February 26th, 2011. This mock was a joint effort by the HCRU and several other rescue squads in the area. We hope to do more like this - with even more rescue teams. For more photos see Realms' Tumbling Rock Mock Set
Collaborative efforts of photography by Nathan Williams (Realms) and Sabrina Simón (Brina Bat).