Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some really bad Silliness


Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Stephens Gap Experience

A short preview of something I got to be a part of a few months ago.
I can't wait to help again!!

The Stephens Gap Experience
Originally uploaded by Realms(Nathan Williams)

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Monday, September 07, 2009


I'm home. Home from the Yucatan a few months ago, home from Lechuguilla last month, and home from St. George Island in Florida. All the experiences have left delightful little thoughts and snippets of life lived - brilliant memories - all jumbled up and rolling around in my head. Hope to share a few bits here and there (very soon). I do have new photos up on flickr if you want a little preview...

Feels like I've been going going going for several months. And for once...oddly enough...its kinda nice to stop and watch the world pass by for a few days. I have done nothing of importance this weekend at all. And plan on doing nothing of importance for just one more.

Enjoy your Labor Day everyone!!

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