Pins and Needles

I got all inspired about a month ago over a good green tea latte. I found myself sitting on the scratchy carpet at the Bridge Street Barnes and Noble in the crafty section pouring over and through all the sewing books I could yank from the shelves. After 3 1/2 hours or so I had enough ideas to charge my engines and launched straight into deciding that I was going to hand make all of my Christmas presents this year (with a few exceptions of already purchased gifts) - be it sewn or otherwise crafted... painted... snipped...snapped... printed, etc.
I have quite a few folks already crossed off my list - which is pretty wild for October. Feels as thought I'm a bit ahead of the game. But I'm glad I started early... (I kinda have a tendency to go overboard when I enjoy/like how the project turns out -and I did, so i am)...eventually doubling the size of the original list...hehehee. The kitchen table seems to now have the permanent fixture of a giant green cutting mat, sewing machine, pin cushions, iron and at any given time fabric themes appear and disappear over the course of several days - from cowboys, to owls, to pirates, to silken pinks and purples,to trains, to wild animals, butterflies, tie-dye, strawberries, teal & chocolate, dinosaurs and even bats. Every theme an idea crafted for a single person - completely different - completely original - completely theirs. And each gift as special and as differnet and original as the person who receives it.
Labels: Merry Christmas, sewing
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