A Caving We Will Go!
So I think I just set my personal record for caving in a one month time span - measured from grotto meeting to grotto meeting. Been so busy printing and caving haven't had time to tell you all about it until now. So when the question is asked tomorrow night at out grotto meeting - "Who's been caving?" I'm going to have to bust out a flippin list to remember all of them!!
1. Crossings with Stephanie and Nathan on 4.2.09
We went during a serious storm - while we were there - water stared pouring from all sorts of wild places... this shot is cool because you can see all the little water streams...CF-SIT.
Another great shot by Nathan - Steph and the haystack were lie with 3 firings of a Lumedyne strobe as an in-camera mutli-exposure
2. Buggy Top with the Huntsville grotto on 4.4.09 (first time trying out my new Pentax in cave!)

3. Blevin's Gap with Nathan on 4.8.09

And I don't normally post photos of me - but I actually really like this one - and anyway this is part of the gorgeous pool of water on the lower level.
4. Jess Elliot with Angela, Andy, Al, and a bunch of other nice folks from the Dogwood City Grotto 4.11.09

5. Hooper's Well with Nathan and Stephanie on 4.14.09 (Steph's 1st pit)

6. Limrock Blowing with Danielle, Stephanie and Nathan on 4.16.09

7. Limrock Blowing with Peri, Michelle and Tommy on 4.18.09

8. Blevin's Gap with Stephanie and Nathan on 4.23.09

9. Iron Hoop with Michelle, Tommy, Nathan, Angela, Andy, Stephanie, Josh, Colin and Randy on 4.26.09 (topped out at 11-1/2 hours on this one!)

Check out Colin's photos of the trip.

And then go to the Realms Flickr for all the cool 3-D photos that Nathan took with both of our cameras - bring your red/cyan glasses with ya!! And be seriously prepared to be AMAZED!!!
10. Neversink with Nathan and Stephanie on 4.28.09

11. Blevin's Gap (yes, again) with Buddy, Joe (their first pit), Don and Nathan for the premiere of SIT 2.0 in-cave (which was very cool and a great success!) on 4.30.09

12. Stephen's Gap with Stephanie, Danielle, Casey and Nathan (and Fred + 1 later on) on 5.2.09 for Paul and I's first anniversary. (Paul was sick which totally sucked - so he didn't get to go - he let me go anyway) He is feeling MUCH better now and on the road to recovery - albeit a bit spacey from the codine laced cough syrup.

I took some other photos on some hikes and out and about and such - be sure and check them out on my flickr.
Labels: caving, fun, photography
WOW! These photos are incredible!!!
wo - I already got a comment? Hi Karisse! Glad you like them. I hope to do A LOT more!! Its way way fun.
Goodness, I knew you have been doing alot of caving but had no idea 12 in a month. That's more than I've been to this year, and yes I am a bit jealous...lol Anyways, I'm excited about Tumbling Rock Saturday and hope that sparks an active caving month for me. Those 3D pics are gonna take "couch caving" to a whole new level.
These are awesome pics!!! Very cool!! I love the one with the rope, actually.
Bellissime foto, complimenti!!
This was a stunning post. I really enjoyed all the pictures.
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