A caver with a graphic design problem explores the world and shares her useless knowledge.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Spring Hike
So yesterday Paul, Jennifer, Steve and Roger and I all went for a hike at the Walls of Jericho. It had been a rainy week and Jennifer thought we'd see some good water there - and man was she right!!! We also saw the very beginning of the spring wild flowers. Had a bit of a cold front so the hike out wasn't too bad either - just had to loose the hat and a few layers with the 1000 foot elevation gain.
These little beauties are Blue Bells. They were just on the other side of the first footbridge.
Steve on the trail... I think he's almost smiling here.
Some chrinoinds on a rock that had a geocache under it. Paul played with the super macro mode on his new little Olympus camera for this one.
Some interesting flowers we still can't identify that were by the campground near the second footbridge crossing the river.
Jennifer setting up to shoot some of the great little rapids on the river. The wild thing is this is the first time I've ever even seen water in the riverbed.
A bit of the river before the first splash pool with Paul starting to cross.
The first splash pool.
Up past the first splash pool - Paul and I by the water that exists a short cave - man was this beautiful!
Me with last waterfall with the sump - where the water eventually spills out of the cave below.
Paul shot this one of me and the water spill in between the last fall and the cave as we were carefully making our way back down. The water was just incredible!!
Tried to find it in the Audubon book - but no luck - so I guess this is one of the other unidentifiable wild flowers. At least being unidentified - takes nothing away from its beauty.
I am so jealous...I have wanted to go there so bad, especially with the water up and get some nice pictures of it flowing out of the cave. The only time I've attempted it, I got to the first foot bridge and turned back trying to beat a storm which didn't work of course, made for an interesting(scary) hike back UP to the car. Have planned to go back soon, just haven't yet.
I am a TAG caver, artist, graphic designer, archaeologist, letterpress printer, Florida native, word crack addict, B&W photography ogler, picture taker, soundtrack listener, OCD recycler, tree hugger, creative writing dabbler, ticket collector, forest hiker, letter writer, garden planter, DragonCon go-er, lover of modern design and architecture, glass half full, not over till its over, the best is yet to come kinda person. MACs over PCs, tea over coffee (unless there's a lot of sugar & creamer involved), sweet over unsweet, silver over gold, Summer over Winter, and dogs over cats. Not to say that's all that defines me. That's the tip of my iceberg. Read on and take a peek at what's below the surface.
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My candle burns at both ends It will not last the night But oh my friends and ah my foes It gives a lovely light! ~Edna St. Vincent Millay
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid sideways, champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WoooHoooo!! - What a Ride!"
I am so jealous...I have wanted to go there so bad, especially with the water up and get some nice pictures of it flowing out of the cave. The only time I've attempted it, I got to the first foot bridge and turned back trying to beat a storm which didn't work of course, made for an interesting(scary) hike back UP to the car. Have planned to go back soon, just haven't yet.
The flower shots are so beautiful! I Wish that I was by that water spill over! It looks like tons of fun to take pictures of and walk through!!
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