More on Trains (from Christmas still)

I still have a backlog of great things Paul and I did over Christmas. And since we just went to a train show this past weekend I thought I'd continue along the same lines. Plant City, FL has a model train club with some really impressive layouts, and I really need to stress - impressive! For one thing they have 3 rooms - one that shares a train museum and two large scale layouts of G and O, one that holds a modular N scale (so that club members can build a four foot section and add it anywhere - the tracks are all in the same place), and the last rooms holds an up-to-date digitrax HO model that's fantastic! (Here's a good link if you want to learn more about model RR scales.) We ended up visiting it twice so Paul could talk with the guys in the club some more, and I could take more photos....

Okay, I just caught up on the last two months of your life. I will refrain from commenting on every post :) I am happy to be caught up though! Okay, so on THIS post, I need to comment that your photos are SO cool - I just love miniature stuff!!! And what's up with the picture with your mom and Paul. . .is he standing on something, or is it just really weird perspective? I KNOW your mom is oh-so-tiny, but she looks like a toddler next to paul in that photo!!! :)
I'm really that big of a guy. Actually, I'm standing on a stool that is about a foot high. So I could get a better perspective of the layout. Didn't know this as a kid, but they are supposed to be closer to eye-level so you see things more from the side as in real life.
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