Florence Renaissance Festival &
Angela's Halloween Party
Paul and I made it to the Florence Renaissance Festival this past Saturday. Hadn't gotten to go in a couple of years so it was nice to finally make it back. Its definitely grown a bit since last time; there are quite a few more vendors. We mowed down on a couple turkey legs and then wandered around taking in all the sights.
Various hilts from swords from a historical group that does some of the sword fight acts and a general information talk on life in the middle ages which is really quite interesting. I ended up carrying my practice foil actually - it added a nice touch to my outfit.

LifeSouth had a blood drive going on one of the blocked-off streets.

Loved this sign!

Water glass music is beautiful and eerie all at the same time.

A set of pretty little dolls one of the vendors had.

A random stranger asked if she could take some photo of us while we were talking to a friend which was kinda funny - I guess the three of us all had good outfits? She wanted me to look longingly at Paul... but no touching - because guys and gals weren't aloud to touch in public back then. She was really nice so we obliged. And then had our friend snap a photo of us together - which was cool - because we don't usually have anyone to take pictures of the two of us.

Later that day we joined the crowd at Angela's Halloween party only to discover Captain Ohad Sparrow...

Batwoman and her demon (whom we had to keep pulling back from the bonfire...poor thing...)

And a very Piratey crew... (for somereason 1/2 the attendees were dressed up like pirates - completely unplanned which made it all the funnier!)

My folks just came into town this afternoon and in a couple days it'll be my Dad's birthday - so I'm sure I'll post more photos soon!
Labels: fencing, fun, Past, Paul, Renaissance
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