Spring Fling II (catch up)

Many weekends ago (April 4th-5th) we held a joint Dayton Underground Grotto/Huntsville Grotto campout - "Spring Fling II" at SCCi's newest acquisition - Tumbling Rock. Paul, Michelle and I drove over Friday afternoon, staked out the tent and tried to not get any soggier than we already were.
Here Michelle's playing in the swimming hole/fire pit.

Tommy, Michelle, Mark and I took a small group of DUG folks back to the King's Shower/Topless Dome Friday evening. I think they liked Tumbling Rock very much and were impressed with the size of the rooms and the formations.

Saturday evening we grilled and visited long into the night around the campfire. The DUG crew fixed these awesome candy buckeyes to share with all of the Huntsville folks. A good time was had by all.

Sunday Morning...

Labels: camping, caving, fun, photography
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