Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear Steven and George


Dear Steven and George,

The new installment of Indiana Jones was good - with some awesome nods to the other movies and definitely more action than the other three had in them. But overall though I'd rate it second to the bottom - just above the Temple of Doom.

I could take Indiana jumping into a fridge and getting blown up with a nuclear bomb. I could even handle Mutt's fencing on top of and in between the truck and the duck - even though you could really tell a lot of it was hugely computer enhanced...

But come on! Mutt swinging through the jungle on vines and the "fellow monkeys" coming to the rescue was a bit hard to deal with and had me shaking my head, rolling my eyes and exclaming "yeah, right!" AND the "three drops" in the duck* from what looked like freakin' Victoria falls... and everyone still staying in the boat on the first two drops?! Let alone any of them surfacing again on the third? They'd so be fish fodder. All the other movies at least had their action based in reality. These scenes were so far fetched they had me squirming in my seat. They don't really add anything to the story line, nor do they further the plot. If you'd left them out - the movie would have been a bit shorter and better I think.

"Indiana Jones - Is My Personal Hero,"
Brina Bat

I'd still recommend seeing this movie in the theatre, the action is non-stop, there are quite a few really great laughs, and Harrison Ford's still got it - he did a heck of a lot of his own incredible stunts which are kick butt. But and word of warning - when you see Mutt get caught in a vine amidst some monkeys or when Ox starts babbling about "three drops" - close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears.

*duck - its a combo of a Jeep and a boat

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At 12:46 AM, Blogger Karisse said...

Well said. Well said.

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame it on the needs of the millenials!


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