Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Take a Hike!

This past Sunday Paul and I took a break from all the wedding-planning errands and printing to take a hike on Green Mountain with our friend Geoffrey.

Geoffrey and Paul really enjoyed the nice bluff on the east side....

I preferred the view on the west.

With all good hikes there was of course stick-fencing.

There was also some really pretty moss while we were tracking down a mutli-stage cache.

And some early spring flowers too.

As a reward for watching Paul set type and me print (yawn) - I set up some quick stationary printing some flower artwork I had made for Paul and I's wedding invitation. (So the flower artwork is a bit of a sneak peek) Geoff set his Mom's name in type, and I printed matching envelopes. We'll see if his Mom was impressed with his letterpress skills when he gets back after Easter.

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At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seemed like you guys had a nice hike!

West Bremerton florist

At 8:31 AM, Blogger saintseester said...

Congrats on the engagement!


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