Jolly Green's Keys to the Lincoln

One of Paul and I's geocaches is being featured on the geocaching website! This is one of a series Paul and I created pertaining to Jolly Green - as in the Jolly Green Giant. Seems as though Jolly Green is constantly dropping or leaving things all over the mountains here. This is Jolly Green's Keys to the Lincoln. My Dad drew the pattern for the key and Paul cut it out, I crafted and painted and made the buttons on the key fob - which is actually part of a dog carrier we found at Unclaimed Baggage. We also have a flexi straw (that's about 10 feet long) , a button (which is a table top) , a toothbrush, a watch, safety glasses, a micro, a pico and several others. Here's the geocaching album for all the Jolly Greens.
Paul's trying to take a bite out of the newest one that was published a few days ago - Jolly Green's Surprise for Sprout

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