Been keeping this on the "down-low" for a little while but I think its finally time to introduce Preston - my new bouncing baby letterpress! He was delivered to the garage on Friday the 6th, 2007. Preston is a 10x15 Chandler and Price letterpress, circa about 1924. And he's an absolutely magnificent piece of machinery! Not to mention he can do everything - print, emboss, perf, score, die cut, even foil stamp if I had the extra equipment. Here are some specs on Preston:
- weight - 1800lbs
- fly wheel 3 ft in diameter
- 10x15 chase (the size of the printable area)
- Motor can be run on 220 0r 110 - variable speed
- serial number C66534
- circa 1924
- Preston nickname courtesy of Paul
Friday Paul and I gave Preston a bath with degreaser - probably the first one he'd had in about 50 years; and gave him a good oiling - since he'd been left idle for three years. The motor is original (newest patent listed is 1917) - and still had half of the original wiring. On Sunday we bought and modified an extension cord to replace the sketchy part - which oddly enough wasn't the 1924 wiring - it was a newer addition - and then got brave enough to plug him in and fire up the motor. Preston worked like a charm - super smooth and quiet for
any machine, let alone one that's 83.

The fellows from Mid-South Moving taking it off the truck Friday morning.

The front of Preston - "The Chandler & Price Co. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Preston's serial number located on the chase bed - C66534

Here I am degreasing the flywheel. Paul and I took off the red cover that you see in the second picture, which was probably put on for safety regulations in whatever print shop it was located in.

This is the leather brake pad that stops the fly wheel.

Paul testing out the motor after we rewired the sketchy part Sunday afternoon.

The chase still had the last job that was run three years ago in it. (a door hanger) Here I'm loosening the quoin to remove the metal furniture and die cut block.
Labels: letterpress, Preston
Mazal Tov, it's a printer!
Honestly, I am key lime with envy. How many people have a press in their garage!
-Christin S.
Congratulations on your new addition!
Congrats on your really big bundle of joy! What will you print first?
LOL at anne's comment--I was sure when I started Brina's email that she was pregnant. :)
This is really cool. Congratulations.
Well, for now - I have to send his rollers off to be recovered with rubber. Which I did yesterday. So for now I can't print anything - but I can emboss! I have 3 complete sets of fonts right now and 1 set of Monograms - but only one of them came with the spacers (en's & em's & spaces and quads and all that)So I'll probably do some embossing with my Devinne Extended - that has spacing. And then order some various spaces and some new foundry type from the few foundrys that remain in the world - and of course continue to scavenge ebay.
Oh. MY. Goodness. You never EVER cease to AMAZE me. ummm, so i need a LOT more details. Where the heck did you get it, where are you keeping it, how the heck do you know how to DEGREASE a LETTERPRESS? (i dont remember taking that class as an art major :) ummm, i need to know the whole scoop on this.
And Bo, pregnant? REally? Did you REALLY think she was pregnant? :)
"Cool news and a Brina Bat update"? That could be pregnant. :)
SARBINA, for the RECORD. . .if you find yourself PREGNANT, and i hear about it through your BLOG. . ..you will NEVER hear the end of it from me!!!! :) (i know, you are freaking out that Bo and I are even discussing you being pregnant. I can hear you now "EWWW LAURA!!!!!") :)
Ok - enough - you ARE kinda freakin' me out here. At least for me "cool" and "pregnant" will never be the same sentence. Ewww. Ewwww. Ewwwww!!!
Cool! That's SO much better than a baby! :-) When I got your email, I thought you'd convinced Paul to build a studio in the back yard.
Can't wait to see some of the results from ol' Preston!
Brina, little did you know that Preston's arrival would herald such commentary!
And like Jennifer says, we're all waiting to see the results of your printing/embossing/pressing labors. :)
just for the record . . .BO STARTED IT!!!! :)
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