Mammoth Cave
Last weekend I took a three day weekend trip to Mammoth Cave with some friends. For three days it was the most relaxing little get away I've had in quite some time!
Tommy, Michelle, Paul and I drove up early Friday morning. Since we weren't able to do a wild tour - we wore our helmets on the 2 hour historic tour. They actually came in handy and allowed us to examine nooks and crannies and quite a few historical signatures.
Andy was waiting for us when we walked out, and Steve, Jennifer and Nathan arrived as we walked out to the cars to get out bags and check into all our rooms.
Saturday we were all in for a special treat. Andy had arranged for Roger Bruker to give us a tour to all the sights of Mammoth. We even got to visit with Pat at the Cave Research Foundation too! It was an absolutely fantastic tour! Can't thank Andy, Roger and Pat enough for making our trip up to Mammoth so memorable. Here are a few pics - more in the next couple days...


Labels: caving
Thanks for the postcard you sent me of the cave's entrance, Brina! It looks like you had a blast there, and I bet the scenery (both above and below ground) was gorgeous.
One question, though — why the visit to the grave?
Ah - good question! Floyd Collins - world famous cave explorer! He got stuck in a cave called Sand Cave in the 1920's - there was a huge rescue attempt but he died. He was even displayed for some time in another cave in a glass coffin! His home and various discoveries are on Mammoth cave property - along with his grave. His grave and Sand Cave where he died is a bit of a Mecca for cavers. Check wiki for a short bio on Floyd.
Ahh, thanks for the explanation! And they really kept his body displayed in a glass coffin? I wonder how Floyd felt about that? Tho, come to think of it, as someone who loved caves it probably didn't bother him all that much. :)
eww. thats all i will say about glass coffins and graveyards. but beanie, that pic of you and paul is so cute. {insert "awwwwwww" here} just love it. makes me smile to see you guys so happy!!! XOXOX miss you!
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