Went caving Saturday on the
Huntsville Grotto's horizontal trip for this month. It was wildly fun - especially the guano slide, of which I slid down at least 20 times. Haven't got any pictures of myself doing that, but I'd say a few others do!

The crew in the first room of Talucah. At one time they held church services in this room with the natural skylight. You can find remains of the wood floor strewn about the rocks.

Roy in a crawl.

Andrew on the guano slide (2.5).

A nice baby salamander I noticed on the way out.

The whole muddy group. And yes, some are doing the funky chicken.

Mark and Michelle doing a bit of clean-up.
Labels: caving
Hey! Is there a good place to start learning how to cave? I just downloaded the New Cavers pamphlet from the Huntsville Grotto website, but I'm not sure I should join the Grotto since I haven't actually been in a cave in 20 years. :p
How do you find out about safe, beginner caves in the Hsv. area?
I'd suggest coming to a grotto meeting. HSV public library - first Wed of each month. There are a lot of people who could give you suggestions!
I helped make the guano slide! I was showing a buddy of mine where we used to cave and came across a picture of the guano slide. We made it on a scout trip gosh it must have been like 8 or 9 years ago maybe longer. We had all stopped for lunch before heading back and we were goofing off and lo and behold the guano slide was born.
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