Saturday Morning, - about 11 am or so - Jimmy and Andrew going around the curve in the road and eventually down to...

the entrance of Rumbling Falls, which is where I am with some of our gear.

Here's some freaky gypsum/possible
aragonite formations? (I'm no Geologist!) growing straight out of some mud.

Here's a photo I'm borrowing from
Andrew's photobucket site to show you how much there was. This passage was incredible - just like snow. So gorgeous! Andrew's go some nice photos in his photobucket - be sure to check them out too.

And here's another beauty that I'm borrowing from Andrew too.

And here's my nicest macro shot of the formations.

Early Sunday morning, A very muddy Nathan, already, setting up for his shot in the Rumble Room. See the tiny lights in the background? Those would be a few of the 15- 3 watt LEDs that he and Jimmy would set up to take the phenominal photo that premiered at the Huntsville grotto meeting tonight.
Nathan timed his entrance and exit on his watch at 15 hours 25 minutes - so by the time you tack on Jimmy also climbing out and then the rigging and derigging of the entrance - you've got a 16 hours Rumbling Falls trip.
Labels: caving
messy and weird and very YOU . . .thanks for sharing another adventure!!!
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