Thank you, Thank you and thank you!
A few nice pics of the Gobble Fest on Thanksgiving. Glenn and Karen (Paul's brother and sister-in-law) hosted a simply wonderful feast for 10 at their home in St. Louis. Everyone had a wonderful time, and as it goes with most visits - it was much too short!
Let's see there were the wonderful people preparing the food....Thank you Paul and Karen

And Glenn....Thanks Glenn!

Then there was the yummy fresh turkey. Hello turkey. Thank you for giving up your delicious tender little body. You were very good and Glenn and Karen will be snacking on you for days and none of you will go to waste. And thank you also to the smart people who invented the pop-up timer to know when the turkey is cooked, thus reducing the number of Thanksgiving related emergency room visits.

Then there was the dressing. Thank you bakers for baking the bread, thank you farmers for harvesting the grains to make the bread. And thank you celery and onion growers and various other spices growers.

Thank you little cranberries and thank you and sugar cane growers for sweetening the tasty little cranberries!

And then there's my dog. Thank you for cleaning up anything we happened to spill on the floor while preparing the delicious Thanksgiving feast. And also thank you for not drooling directly on me, and not barking too much when the company came (well, sort of).

Thank you for a beautiful setting, wonderful food and time to enjoy family.

And don't forget to thank the little salt and pepper shaker rodents too!

I hope you and yours had a most "thankful" Thanksgiving
and enjoyed yours as much as I. Gobble Gobble!
so cute beanie. i am thankful for YOU!!!! glad you had a great thanksgiving! i miss you!!
We were thankful to have you, Paul and Darien (sp?)with us this Thanksgiving. It was a fun time. Paul looks pretty good in that apron, if it had only been the right size! But I think the chipmunks and your pooch are stealing the show here.
Karen and Glenn
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