Blast from the Past Thursday #9
I just happened to select a disc of photos with this picture on it (no really, I did!), But it does help that AM is behind on her blackmail payments. (I love you AM!)

What? Annamaria smuggling the contents of her room in the top of her wedding dress.
Where? In Annamaria's bedroom at her folk's house in Lakeland, FL
Why? I think it all started when Annamaria tried on her wedding dress and it wasn't fitted correctly so Joy, Laura and I suggested sewing in those foam "boosters." We attempted to recreate the effect, so AM tried it out with tissue paper. That didn't do very much, so we started suggesting other objects. Eventually it accelerated to what you see here. Personally I think the note pad is a good idea - it would be pretty handy.
When? Later Feb/Early March 2003, a few days before Shawn and AM's wedding on the 2nd
How? With a roll of tissue, laughter and some good friend with an open mind and a dress that was too big!
Labels: Past
ummmm wasn't i there too? unless it was a DIFFERENT time we were sticking items into Annamaria's wedding dress. I distinctly remember this occasion because the bride ended up wearing MY bra for the big day.
Oh my gosh - yes!! I didn't remember who all was there!
Was it just the 4 of us? Or was anyone else?
Oh MY!!!
So do I some good friends...or just "some" good friend?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...then I bust out with my own typo!
poooooor annamaria. don't worry AM. . .we will get Bean one of these days. And THEN she will be sorry for posting horrifying pictures of us on her blog. heeeeeheheheheeeeee.
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