You Can Get Anything You Want...
At Alice's Restuarant!
Just back from an awesome concert at the Princess theatre. We went to go see Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant Massacree 40th Anniversary Tour over in Decatur. It was at this really fun old theatre where they do all kinds of fun cultural events - The Princess Theatre (first link under "Around Huntsville")
Arlo Guthrie is an amazing man. Son of the great Woody Guthrie, Arlo is a true folk song writer and player that captures his audience not only in song but as a storyteller too. And if you've never heard it - get a hold of the song Alice's Restaurant and just listen to it. And after the third or forth time you'll be singing along and laughing out loud.
I got a shirt with the cool poster design on it. Its pretty different. I really like the mix of art nouveau and 60's pop culture, so I decided to share it and scanned in the little flyer for the concert.

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