Snow & "Convenient" Caving
Look SNOW!! (A little bit anyway) This was in the garden planter box this morning!

But even better was the snow we got to see in Nashville, TN today! Drove up there today (amidst many a Mad Lib) for some brunch at Bosco's and then some shopping at REI (which is where Michelle got all excited about her new hat). In between we hit up some cool little stores near Bosco's in a section of Nashville called Hillsboro. There were quite a few nice little snow showers that we got to drive through, and one that came down as we were getting out of the car. I got all excited after I caught a flake on my tongue and had to take a picture!!

And then Paul got excited and had to take a picture of me in my new hat... in the snow...

On the way back to Huntsville we all got Powerball lotto tickets (Jackpot is $300 Million right now so if I win I'm going to buy my own cave or maybe an island or something... Better yet - my own island with a cave and everyone will be invited to lay around on the beach drinking some fruity alcoholic beverage and then go caving and then lay around again on the beach...and then go caving... and then...). Anyway, we walk into the convenient store and there against the far wall, is the cave some only dream about. This time Tommy got all excited and had me take a picture...

awwww beanie how i miss you, you cute thing!!! i'm diggin' the hat! soo fun!
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